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To Develop a Training Plan

Essay by   •  April 23, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  1,481 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,861 Views

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The purpose of this needs analysis is to develop a training plan that will help improve performance and business results at ABC Manufacturing Corporation. An assessment questionnaire was used to measure the differences in opinion between managers and non-managers at ABC. The questionnaire probed for 4 main areas of interest: involvement in decision making, communication between different organizational levels, company values and how they are perceived by the employees, and self-actualization areas related to work. Each participant was to rate different aspects of their job on a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being 'never', 3 being 'sometimes', and 5 being 'most of the time.'

The information that was found was that managers feel more involved in decision making, and they better understand why decisions are made. In general, both managers and non-managers believe that their opinion could be asked more in order to contribute to the success of the organization. As expected, managers rated their superiors higher on the belief that they are able to support decisions that affect their jobs, as opposed to non-managers. On a positive note, it is reported that both groups feel as if they are encouraged by their supervisors to make decisions that affect their jobs. Both groups also felt that they had the necessary information to make those decisions.

At ABC Manufacturing Corporation most employees feel that they are communicated with on a regular basis and that the information they receive is actually important to their role in the company. Although there was not a big gap in difference, managers felt they received feedback more frequently as opposed to non-managers. Both groups fell very highly encouraged to communicate with their supervisors about any issue at hand, as well as communicating with co-workers and other key players in their day-to-day operations. Regarding the issue of communication in the workplace, it is very important to note that both groups rated their superiors very high on the fact that they receive constructive feedback, as well as feedback being directly related to their work performance. Both levels of the organization rated their supervisors very high on allowing them to communicate without the fear of reprisal.

Most employees at ABC Manufacturing Corporation understand what is expected of them in terms of job performance. However, they feel they are only partially rewarded for good work performance and poorly rewarded for working with others or achieving results as a team. When receiving information from their supervisor, both groups view the source of information as highly credible. There is a significant difference between how strong managers and non-managers feel about their organization meaning what they say and saying what they mean, with managers having a more favorable impression. There is also a disparity on how both groups view how team goals are supported by their organization. While managers have a good impression, non-managers don't think that there is enough support.

A majority of the employees across the organization fell they have the necessary skills to perform their job. They also feel that they have the necessary tools provided to them to be successful in their role. A considerable amount of employees from both groups in this analysis feel a high sense of accomplishment. Another aspect that they rate their organization very high in is that they understand the information they receive from their company. Managers do feel a higher connection between their personal and career goals and those of the organization, in comparison to non-managers. The same is the case with how interested the employees feel the organization is in their growth and development. Lastly, non-managers feel that the organization does not treat employees well and in a fair manner, as compared to managers' opinion.

The needs that arise within this particular organization show a disparity between both levels in an organization and how they feel about their superiors and the company in general. The main issue in decision making is that managers feel more involved and their opinions are taken into consideration more than those of non-managers. In terms of communicating, non-managers should be able to receive frequent feedback and be encouraged to work in teams to drive positive business results. Organizational values are seen equally across the organization, with a very favorable impression of how credible the company and its agents are when communicating with each other. There needs to be a way in which non-managers feel motivated to achieve career goals and tie those goals to business results. With this in mind, a two day weekend retreat has been organized to help the organization improve both at the manager and non-manager level, focusing on the areas described above. Without isolating both groups from each other, the retreat will involve all and will address



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