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Why Do They Live

Essay by   •  June 7, 2011  •  Essay  •  262 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,924 Views

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~why do they live

some may say

maybe they should ask that question

about us

their sprit runs free

through the forest we cut down

we posion their water and


they are not the ones who

throw toxic gases into the air we

both breath

when they cry for help the only one that

answers is the moon

~hate is what i feel toward humans and what they have done to this plant there might not be another plant for us to move to when our plant dies so what will we do then? becuase of the arise of the human many orgainisms had died off because of us. we have destroyed many ecosystems and polluted the air. becuase of this the worlds largest sorce of fresh water is meltingand will soon flood coastal cities.

~though this forest path

i walk

somtimes i run

i listen to the leaves

as they crunch beneath my feet

i touch all the fuzzy animals

that cross my way

i feel the warmth of the sun

on my pale white skin

i hear song birds

singing in the trees

i walk alone

~just imagine what the world would be like if everthing was peaceful like nature. even though our kind is infurier with a little thought we can coexist with the earth in a nature balance. like buddist practice with not desire the heavenly outlook of the worlds natural beauty, or you can at least on sundays to turn off every singal light and eleictronic in the house.

i mean can weat least do that!!

everytime you look in the mirror you should ask your self what do i do to save my plant.



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