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9,199 Business Essays: 391 - 420

  • An Educational Leadership Framework Based on Traditional and Contemporary Leadership Theories

    An Educational Leadership Framework Based on Traditional and Contemporary Leadership Theories

    leadership theories E-Leader Kuala Lumpur, 2009 1 An Educational Leadership Framework Based on Traditional and Contemporary Leadership Theories Dr. Cheong Sing Tng Accounting and Finance, School of Business Monash University Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Abstract With fundamental social changes in the knowledge economy, there is growing tension between fundamentalism and

    Essay Length: 3,346 Words / 14 Pages
    Submitted: August 14, 2011
  • An Employee Leaves a Company

    An Employee Leaves a Company

    When an employee leaves a company to work for a competitor that employee should realize the fine line that can be crossed of unethical business practice. An employee can always move on to the next company with using the knowledge they gained through a degree or trade school. The employee

    Essay Length: 333 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: August 28, 2013
  • An Essay Related to Cib

    An Essay Related to Cib

    The society is developed to be increasingly digitized with wider use of Information Technologies (IT). These applications of IT benefit the society in various ways and lead to an increasing demand of IT. However, not every group with interest or demand of IT has clear cognition of it. Authorized by

    Essay Length: 296 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: October 27, 2012
  • An Evaluation of Funding Arrangements for Small And

    An Evaluation of Funding Arrangements for Small And

    This study which seeks to evaluate the alternative funding arrangement available to the SMEs sector identifies the sector as the key to unlocking the economic potentials of Nigeria. However, the sector is constraints by a number of factors which include among others difficulty in accessing credit facilities, high cost of

    Essay Length: 302 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 17, 2012
  • An Evaluation of John Deere’s Corporate Social Responsibility

    An Evaluation of John Deere’s Corporate Social Responsibility

    Erin Reicks Legal and Social Environment of Business, Noonan-Day Section 4, 11:00am January 23, 2017 An Evaluation of John Deere’s Corporate Social Responsibility John Deere & Company is a globally recognized corporation known for its products and services. Around the Cedar Valley, John Deere is known as one of the

    Essay Length: 918 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: October 25, 2017
  • An Evaluation on the Health Program in the Kaibigan Ministries Halfway House in Cabrera St, Pasay City

    An Evaluation on the Health Program in the Kaibigan Ministries Halfway House in Cabrera St, Pasay City

    Abella 1. Introduction According to the World Health Organization (2006), poverty is what stops individuals or households from being able to enjoy a certain standard of well-being where anyone below this said standard is considered poor. The standard would be the capability to not only access one’s basic needs but

    Essay Length: 3,014 Words / 13 Pages
    Submitted: March 14, 2018
  • An Examination of Brand Personality Through Methodological Triangulation

    An Examination of Brand Personality Through Methodological Triangulation

    An Examination of Brand Personality through Methodological Triangulation Abstract: Purpose The article talks heavily about brand personality and how it develops and operates, why it occurs, and the difference it makes in terms of consumer perceptions and preferences. Design/Methodology/Approach The article first looks at how brand personality is interpreted in

    Essay Length: 446 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: April 23, 2018
  • An Indiscreet Workplace Conversation on Hiring

    An Indiscreet Workplace Conversation on Hiring

    Paper Outline 1. Executive Summary 2. Statement of the Problem 3. Analysis of the Problem 4. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions 5. Recommended Solution, Implementation and Justification. An Indiscreet Workplace Conversation on Hiring 1. Executive Summary One objective and goal that is common to all businesses in the world is

    Essay Length: 1,645 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 7, 2013
  • An International Business Plan

    An International Business Plan

    AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PLAN A detailed international business plan is an essential element in the implementation of an effective export strategy. The plan must consider company resources, identify specific markets, and establish specific plans for dealing with marketing, legal, manufacturing, personnel, and financial elements. Finally, it must include a schedule

    Essay Length: 572 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: October 2, 2011
  • An Introduction to Mutual Funds

    An Introduction to Mutual Funds

    Over the past decade, American investors increasingly have turned to mutual funds to save for retirement and other financial goals. Mutual funds can offer the advantages of diversification and professional management. But, as with other investment choices, investing in mutual funds involves risk. And fees and taxes will diminish a

    Essay Length: 7,078 Words / 29 Pages
    Submitted: August 17, 2011
  • An Investigation on How to Mitigate Credit Risk Faced by Sa Retailers

    An Investigation on How to Mitigate Credit Risk Faced by Sa Retailers

    Table of contents List of diagrams (i) List of figures (i) CHAPTER 1: PROBLEM STATEMENT AND THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem definition 2 1.3 Research objectives 3 1.3.1 Main objective 3 1.3.2 Sub objective 3 1.4 Limitations of the study 3 1.5 Research methodology 3

    Essay Length: 13,282 Words / 54 Pages
    Submitted: August 14, 2011
  • An Observational Study of the Recent Balcony Improvement at Waterloo Station

    An Observational Study of the Recent Balcony Improvement at Waterloo Station

    AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY OF THE RECENT BALCONY IMPROVEMENT AT WATERLOO STATION AIM OF RESEARCH * To identify essence of the balcony improvements at the waterloo station. KEY RESEARCH QUESTIONS * Is the Balcony at the Waterloo Station necessary? * Are the businesses at the balcony profitable and necessary? * Does

    Essay Length: 281 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 22, 2016
  • An Organisational Business Plan for a Primary School

    An Organisational Business Plan for a Primary School

    I. Executive Summary The Organisation ABC Primary School is a government mixed (co-ed) school located in a housing estate in the northern part of Singapore. The school runs programmes for its pupils from 7.30am to 5.00 pm. Our Mission We seek to give our pupils a strong foundation so that

    Essay Length: 3,667 Words / 15 Pages
    Submitted: August 3, 2011
  • An Overview of Corporate Finance and the Financial Environment

    An Overview of Corporate Finance and the Financial Environment

    Chapter 1 An Overview of Corporate Finance and The Financial Environment ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS 1-1 a. A proprietorship, or sole proprietorship, is a business owned by one individual. A partnership exists when two or more persons associate to conduct a business. In contrast, a corporation is a legal entity

    Essay Length: 6,819 Words / 28 Pages
    Submitted: December 16, 2010
  • An Overview of the Banking Sector of India

    An Overview of the Banking Sector of India

    An Overview of the Banking Sector of India Background Decades ago, the Indian Government strictly regulated the allocation of credit. The government introduced lending rate controls, imposed high liquidity requirements, and established state banks for industry and agriculture. The government over regulated and discriminated against risk capital, financial markets, and

    Essay Length: 2,015 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: April 26, 2012
  • An Overview of the Case

    An Overview of the Case

    An Overview of the Case Millipore, the worldwide leader in separations technology, was in the process of launching two key new products: one a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometer and the other a virus separation membrane. The company had $750 million (sales) with three divisions, which was growing at a rate of

    Essay Length: 1,537 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: August 20, 2011
  • Anagene Case Solution

    Anagene Case Solution

    Anagene – case report Anagene, Inc. is a genomics instruments company, which had a major scientific achievement of completion of the sequencing of the human genome in 2000. Scientists continued with the research and discovering new technologies, resulting in a large market for DNA microarrays. The DNA microarray market was

    Essay Length: 575 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: October 11, 2017
  • Analisis De Deducibles

    Analisis De Deducibles

    ANALISIS DE DEDUCIBLES La compañía LARA TOOLS S. A. -conocida como LATOSA por los residentes locales--es una empresa de tamaño mediano que elabora todo tipo de herramientas de uso general para el mantenimiento de equipos industriales. Lleva operando unos 25 años y ha experimentado un crecimiento moderado pero sostenido a

    Essay Length: 2,587 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: August 25, 2011
  • Análisis De La Empresa - Mediquip Sa (spanish)

    Análisis De La Empresa - Mediquip Sa (spanish)

    Análisis de la empresa Mediquip SA, una subsidiaria de Tecnología Universal, es un fabricante de escáneres CT, rayos X, ultrasonidos, y equipos de diagnóstico nuclear. Sus competidores consisten en otras empresas europeas, tales como Sigma FNC, Eldorado, Magna, y Piper. A pesar de que Mediquip es un jugador relativamente nuevo

    Essay Length: 1,375 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: June 21, 2011
  • Analisis Rasio Keuangan Untuk Memprediksi Kondisi Financial Distress Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Jakarta (indonesian)

    Analisis Rasio Keuangan Untuk Memprediksi Kondisi Financial Distress Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Jakarta (indonesian)

    Abstrak: Financial distress precedes bankruptcy. Most financial distress models actually rely on bankruptcy data, which is easier to obtain. The purpose of this research is to examine financial ratios that affect financial distress condition of a firm. The sample of this research consist of 24 distress firms and 37 non-distress

    Essay Length: 444 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: July 12, 2011
  • Analyse the Effects of the Bank of Japan's Anti-Deflationary Quantitative Easing Policy

    Analyse the Effects of the Bank of Japan's Anti-Deflationary Quantitative Easing Policy

    MunichPersonal RePEcArchive Japanese quantitative easing: The effects and constraintsof anti-deflationary monetary expansions Zammit,Robert Department of Economics,University of Malta October 2006 Onlineat http://mpra.ub.uni -muenchen.de/3361/ MPRA Paper No. 3361,posted07. November 2007/ 03:09 JAPANESE QUANTITATIVE EASING: THE EFFECTS AND CONSTRAINTS OF ANTI- DEFLATIONARY MONETARY EXPANSIONS ROBERT ZAMMIT A DISSERTATION IN THE FACULTY OF

    Essay Length: 11,370 Words / 46 Pages
    Submitted: February 24, 2012
  • Analyse the Financial Situation of Singapore Telecommunications Limited

    Analyse the Financial Situation of Singapore Telecommunications Limited

    1.1 Topic Chosen and Its Context The topic of this report is analysis of the financial situation of Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SingTel). The analysis is primarily based on SingTel's consolidated annual reports for the past three years from the FY2004 to FY2006. I will analyse the company's financial situation by

    Essay Length: 601 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: July 6, 2011
  • Analyse the Following Transactions and Find Out Debit or Credit

    Analyse the Following Transactions and Find Out Debit or Credit

    ANALYSE THE FOLLOWING TRANSACTIONS AND FIND OUT DEBIT OR CREDIT FOLLOWING TRADITIONAL RULES: Exercise: 1 1) Gopal commenced business with cash; 2) Purchased furniture; 3) Purchased goods from Madura on credit. 4) Purchased goods for cash. 5) Sold goods to Narayana on credit. 6) Sold goods for cash. 7) Paid

    Essay Length: 28,210 Words / 113 Pages
    Submitted: November 19, 2011
  • Analyses for Financial Management - Chapter 6

    Analyses for Financial Management - Chapter 6

    What is operating leverage? How, if at all, is it similar to financial leverage? If a firm has high operating leverage, would you expect it to have high or low financial leverage? Explain your reasoning. Operating leverage may be termed as the ratio of the fixed and variable costs incurred

    Essay Length: 467 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: July 21, 2012
  • Analysis


    1. Ch.11 - 6 -- Below are listed some objects of varying degrees of abstraction. Suggest properties of each of these objects that can be measured by each of the four basic types of scales. a. Store customers Nominal - Gender, Returning Customer/New Customer, Age Ordinal - ratings of the

    Essay Length: 862 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: August 11, 2011
  • Analysis and Evaluation of Spanish and Chinese Cultures in a Business Context

    Analysis and Evaluation of Spanish and Chinese Cultures in a Business Context

    Analysis and evaluation of Spanish and Chinese cultures in a business context. Summary This report holds an analysis and evaluation of the key cultural differences between Spain and China. These differences have been highlighted through the appropriate theoretical dimensions that surely allow an in depth study and comprehension of

    Essay Length: 1,961 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: March 1, 2011
  • Analysis and Predictions: Whole Foods Markets

    Analysis and Predictions: Whole Foods Markets

    Analysis and Predictions: Whole Foods Markets Larry Jenkins Business Finance 543 Dr. Mohammed Sharifzadeh Analysis and Predictions: Whole Foods Markets Company Overview Whole Foods Market (WFM) is a popular national group of supermarkets based in Austin, Texas. In it's 32 years, Whole Foods has risen to the 8th most popular

    Essay Length: 2,116 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: April 29, 2013
  • Analysis Business Portfolio of Deimler Benz's Operation

    Analysis Business Portfolio of Deimler Benz's Operation

    Question 1: What is your assessment of Deimler-Benz's operations in so many different fields? Answer: In my assessment , the operations in so many different fields could be shown as follows. |Star Business |Question Mark Business | |Marcedes Benz |Aerospace group | |Biggest and most successful group |1/3 interest of

    Essay Length: 1,112 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: May 13, 2012
  • Analysis Case Study: The Johnson & Johnson Tylenol Crisis

    Analysis Case Study: The Johnson & Johnson Tylenol Crisis

    Remember when your mother used to give you Tylenol curing virtually any ill from a headache to the common cold? Well, the spectacular drug still exists today for two reasons. First, Tylenol is a great product. Second, Tylenol and its parent company Johnson & Johnson have successfully managed two separate

    Essay Length: 473 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: August 20, 2011
  • Analysis Dimond Chemicals Plc

    Analysis Dimond Chemicals Plc

    Diamond Chemicals PLC(A): The Merseyside Project 1. Identify the relevant cash flows for each of the following items. In particular, what is the current treatment of each? a) Sunk costs Sunk costs mean the monies already spent on the project. As shown from Exhibit 2, we can see Preliminary Engineering

    Essay Length: 824 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: August 4, 2017
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