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1,285 Psychology Essays: 31 - 60

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  • Addiction: Disease or Morale Failing? the Ethics of Forced Treatment

    Addiction: Disease or Morale Failing? the Ethics of Forced Treatment

    A drug addiction occurs when an individual takes a drug a number of times and becomes dependant on it. The addicted individual will compulsively seek and take drugs, to the extent where the activity will take precedent over all other activities. The individual will find themselves unable to stop taking

    Essay Length: 1,149 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 22, 2018
  • Adhd Case Study

    Adhd Case Study

    There are about five hundred twenty eight million people in North America. Out of those, about 4.4 million of them have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. This is a very serious disorder and is looked over by numerous amounts of people and in many cases it

    Essay Length: 890 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: May 12, 2011
  • Adolescent Development Theories Discussion Through the Critique and Review of a Film

    Adolescent Development Theories Discussion Through the Critique and Review of a Film

    Adolescent Development Theories Discussion through the Critique and Review of a Film Rosana Medan North Carolina State University Abstract Art in its different forms constitutes an expression of the human soul and psyche across time. Films based on powerful stories that deal with real life issues have sometimes been masterfully

    Essay Length: 3,574 Words / 15 Pages
    Submitted: June 22, 2012
  • Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Approaches

    Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Approaches

    Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Approaches Judith Wallace Grand Canyon University: PCN 535 August 09, 2012 Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Approaches Going through adolescence is a tumultuous time, with frequent fluctuations in emotion. The adolescent with substance abuse problems has an even harder journey than their normal peer counterparts. When teens

    Essay Length: 559 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: September 4, 2012
  • Advocacy for Diverse Clientele

    Advocacy for Diverse Clientele

    Advocacy for Diverse Clientele David Whetzel Capella University   Veterans of the military come in different diverse cultures. Those who have served our country come with a wide variety of mental illnesses that include PTSD, depression, anxiety, suicide, and substance abuse. Levin, Greene, & Solomon (2016) state that combat is

    Essay Length: 1,072 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 13, 2016
  • Advocacy in the Human Services Field

    Advocacy in the Human Services Field

    The purpose of Human Services professionals is to help out individuals, groups, or families that might be in an unfortunate predicament. Human service professionals try to improve the quality of life of those who need help so that they can either make changes in their lives or learn to adjust

    Essay Length: 1,057 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: September 17, 2012
  • African American Opression

    African American Opression

    History has shown that African Americans felt strong oppression by the dominate European American culture with regards to social, economic, educational policies and medical treatment (Kwate, 2005). In the discipline of psychology African Americans were barred from acceptance into graduate and undergraduate programs (Holliday, 2009). African Americans were often excluded

    Essay Length: 305 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2012
  • Agency Report Woman to Woman

    Agency Report Woman to Woman

    Agency Report Woman to Woman This agency report is done on NCADD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) Woman to Woman Recovery Program. In this report I will discuss the purpose of Woman To Woman Recovery Program, the population that served, the requirements that must be met to be

    Essay Length: 468 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2012
  • Aging and Death

    Aging and Death

    Aging and death is a natural part of life, yet American culture at large attempts to defy the aging process and the inevitable; which is death. Aging is a reminder of mortality and in some that induces anxiety toward death. There are two major factors that contribute to the fear

    Essay Length: 2,396 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: February 13, 2013
  • Aids/hiv and Chemical Dependency

    Aids/hiv and Chemical Dependency

    AIDS/HIV and Chemical Dependency Patricia Faison Grand Canyon University PCN529 March 7, 2012 AIDS/HIV and Chemical Dependency In February 1982, 251 individuals in the United States were diagnosed with gay-related immune deficiency (GRID), a disease thought to be restricted to the gay population. However, that same year it was discovered

    Essay Length: 664 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 9, 2012
  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Dependence

    Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Dependence

    Abuse over alcohol or a substance affects many lives. Substance and alcohol abuse occurs with the excessive use or misuse of a drug intended for its purpose.  One in twelve adults are addicted or dependent on alcohol (the most commonly used addictive substance.) and 9.3 percent of those that

    Essay Length: 1,498 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 4, 2017
  • Alcohol Dependence

    Alcohol Dependence

    1. The behavior that Jerry demonstrates that appear to be abnormal include consuming alcohol daily in large amounts, memory loss due to alcohol consumption, not recognizing that he could have an alcohol addiction, lack of involvement in activities outside of his home, and acting confrontational or defensive when asked about

    Essay Length: 706 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: September 18, 2011
  • Alex Sander Case - Organizational Behavior

    Alex Sander Case - Organizational Behavior

    Introduction What is organizational behavior? Organizational behavior is the field of study which investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within the organization. Alex Sander the case which talks about how one employee changes an organization, raises a conflictsin the company,which in turn can be disruptive

    Essay Length: 2,453 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: September 25, 2013
  • Alien Abductees and Memory Distortion

    Alien Abductees and Memory Distortion

    Abstract False memory was studied in people who reported seeing UFOs and alien abduction. The Deese/Roediger-McDermott paradigm (H. L. Roediger III & K. B. McDermott, 1995) was used to assess false recall and false recognition in people who reported abduction (group 1), and those who reported seeing a UFO (group

    Essay Length: 3,190 Words / 13 Pages
    Submitted: February 19, 2012
  • Alternate Personalities

    Alternate Personalities

    Personalities, which are identified as the very core of the human race are accepted and written to reflect that we all have only one. Therefore, the possibility of alternate personalities is seen as not normal, and diagnosed as needing therapy or institutionalized for mental illness. Theory is often times seen

    Essay Length: 2,370 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: August 19, 2012
  • Alzheimer's Disease

    Alzheimer's Disease

    Sister Ada, a nun suffers from Alzheimer's disease and like 4 million other Americans, she'll gradually lose her memory, her personality and finally all cognitive function. Along with hundreds of other nuns in their order, the School Sisters of Notre Dame have joined a long-term study of Alzheimer's disease which

    Essay Length: 979 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 26, 2012
  • American Express Company Analysis

    American Express Company Analysis

    American Express Company is a global travel, financial and network services provider. American express started as a express mail business in Albany, New York around 1850. The company was founded as a joint stock owned by Henry Wells, William Fargo and John Warren Butterfield. American Express first established its placement

    Essay Length: 831 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: April 12, 2011
  • Amygdala Disruptions by Electromagnetic Radiation: A Proposal

    Amygdala Disruptions by Electromagnetic Radiation: A Proposal

    Background of the Study There has been a growing interest of the effects of today's communication means such as the cellular phones. It is widely yet colloquially known by people that electromagnetic radiation has negative effects on people. It has been said in trivia and the media that prolonged exposure

    Essay Length: 1,180 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: October 17, 2011
  • An Argument Against Spanking

    An Argument Against Spanking

    An argument against spanking 1. Introduction It's likely that you, like me, were sometimes spanked by your parents. A 1995 Gallup poll found spanking to be used by 74% of U.S. parents of children aged 17 or younger. But there is ongoing public debate over spanking. A lot of the

    Essay Length: 4,774 Words / 20 Pages
    Submitted: July 8, 2011
  • An Audience of one

    An Audience of one

    An Audience of One I have thought about many things in life - - some of those thoughts have been light and whimsical while others lean towards the foreboding, dark and negative side of my psyche. My less intense thoughts are along the lines of what to wear to work

    Essay Length: 777 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: June 6, 2012
  • An Individualized Counseling Theory: Combining Existential Theory with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to Create a Personalized Counseling Theory

    An Individualized Counseling Theory: Combining Existential Theory with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to Create a Personalized Counseling Theory

    An Individualized Counseling Theory: Combining Existential Theory with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to Create a Personalized Counseling Theory Abstract The purpose of counseling is to meet the client's needs and to help them reach their personal goals while allowing them to gain personal insight into their lives on their own.

    Essay Length: 2,566 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: August 21, 2011
  • An Informed Citizenry

    An Informed Citizenry

    "An informed citizenry will benefit from applying both creative thinking and critical thinking in solving the challenges of our society." The above statement implies that citizens whom are well informed of challenges in our society will have more insight on how to resolve those challenges. In order to better understand

    Essay Length: 461 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: June 27, 2013
  • An Investigation into the Different Use of the Internet by Students at Liverpool International College

    An Investigation into the Different Use of the Internet by Students at Liverpool International College

    An investigation into the different use of the Internet by students at Liverpool International College. 1.Introduction We are living in an information-explosion era. In recent decades, Internet has been more reachable to people while quietly intergraded with life. The World Bank (2011) published that there were approximate 30.5% of people

    Essay Length: 1,236 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: July 5, 2012
  • An Overview of an Inner-City After School Center

    An Overview of an Inner-City After School Center

    Part 1: An Overview of an Inner-City After School Center When establishing an after-school program one must take a close look at what the surrounding community is in need of. The after school program that I am proposing to start will be situated in the city of Newark, New Jersey,

    Essay Length: 1,649 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: September 24, 2011
  • Analayzing Jonestown; Suicide/murders

    Analayzing Jonestown; Suicide/murders

    Jonestown Empire of Mind Summary In the case of the incident of Jonestown, Guyana, settlement members were led by their leader, Reverend Jim Jones, to commit revolutionary suicide. Prior to the revolutionary suicide, as Jones announced it, he organized a church called the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel built

    Essay Length: 1,244 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 27, 2011
  • Analyse Deontolofy Pwerss

    Analyse Deontolofy Pwerss

    Some chemicals are corrosive such as concentrated nitric acid this is a very dangerous chemical as it can produce poisonous gas. Which means it's should be treated with care. This chemicals also burns through things as it is corrosive also other chemicals such as sulphuric acid which needs to also

    Essay Length: 1,457 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: November 20, 2012
  • Analysis of "cabdbury's Gorilla" Ad Based on 24 Preferences Parameters

    Analysis of "cabdbury's Gorilla" Ad Based on 24 Preferences Parameters

    Analysis of "Cabdbury's Gorilla" Ad based on 24 Preferences Parameters 1. Perceptual Preference Seeing, Hearing and Sensing The ad has a backdrop of Purple colour with golden line. This matches with the packaging colouring scheme of the Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) Chocolates. Also there are a lot of musical instruments

    Essay Length: 958 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: March 13, 2011
  • Analysis of Event Where I Was Motivated

    Analysis of Event Where I Was Motivated

    Analysis of Event where I was Motivated Every aspiring engineer’s dream is to get admission into the Indian Institute of Technology. I will try to describe my journey towards this aim and try to relate it with various motivational theories and how they collectively contributed in a successful journey. The

    Essay Length: 1,539 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: September 2, 2015
  • Analysis of Self-Esteem Paper

    Analysis of Self-Esteem Paper

    Analysis of Self-Esteem Paper Marianela Tavárez Torres University of Phoenix CNSL/504 Version 4 October 27, 2012 Dr. Ana Ortiz Rosado Introduction In this paper I am talking about the factors that must be consider in the development of an effective educational programs that should serve the students of Puerto Rico.

    Essay Length: 1,768 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: November 9, 2012
  • Analysis of the Personality Traits of Steve Jobs

    Analysis of the Personality Traits of Steve Jobs

    Analysis of the Personality Traits of Steve Jobs Steve Jobs is arguably one of the most successful CEOs of our times. In his time at Apple and Pixar he has redefined business across the Computing, Music and Mobile communications industries. In spite of being a college dropout he has gone

    Essay Length: 570 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: August 25, 2011

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